Friday, February 24, 2012

Additional research is recommended to evaluate

May 8, 2008 - American College of lasix drug interactions Physicians issued new guidelines

to raise awareness for osteoporosis screening in older men. "Osteoporosis is not just a disease of women," says Amir Qasim, MD, PhD

, Internal Affairs, the American College of Physicians, in a press release. "Not

enough older men being tested."

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become less dense, more porous,

, and more prone to fractures. He is generally regarded as a problem for

postmenopausal women, but it can also occur in men. American College of Physicians that the prevalence of osteoporosis >> << estimated at 7% white, 5% African-American men,

, and 3% of Hispanic women in the U.S., but the group says, these figures

expected to grow as the aging population in the next 15 years. Physicians should periodically assess older men for risk factors for osteoporosis >>. << Physicians should receive DXA tests for men who have an increased risk of osteoporosis

and candidates for drug treatment. Test DXA (dual energy X-ray

absorbtsiometrii) measures bone density.emphysema treatment Additional research is recommended to evaluate screening tests for osteoporosis in men.

New guidelines were published in the May 6 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.


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