Friday, February 24, 2012

Do exercise and resistance strength training.

Also known as a silent disease characterized by reduced bone mass and decrease bone. Bones become brittle, thin and prone to fractures, especially hip, spine and wrist. There is no cure for osteoporosis, but also drugs

used to maintain bone density. Bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger and denser. Our bones, gain strength, with a weight or resistance placed on them. Performance of bearing the weight and resistance exercises at least three times a week can help maintain current bone density. In receive bone density testing. Get a bone density test and talk with your doctor to make sure exercises are safe for you. Those with severe osteoporosis can not what are the side effects of lasix be a candidate for the exercise. Bone density test is the only way to accurately diagnose and determine the severity of osteoporosis. Do. Weight bearing exercises may include brisk walking, gardening and squats. Weight bearing exercises include any exercise that is done on foot with the bones support the body weight. Do exercise and resistance strength training. Strength training exercises are performed using weights, weight machines and elastic bands to add resistance to the bone. Physiotherapist may be assessed to determine and establish appropriate strength training program. Do exercise balance. Balance exercises can help prevent a fall and reduce the risk of fractures. Balance may include water exercise therapy, walking or just standing on one leg. Do not exercise bending. Avoid sit-ups or any exercise that causes you to bend at the waist. Bending at the waist can lead to vertebral compression may result in fracture. Avoid bending motion, even when not exercising. Do not exercise good results. Avoid running, jogging, jumping, tennis, dancing, if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. These high impact exercise can put pressure on the spine causing fracture of the spine. Do not twist the spine. Do not turn over the spine. Distortions by turning the ridge quickly can cause fracture of the spine. Avoid any movement that requires rotational movement, such as golf. Staying active with osteoporosis can help preserve bone mass and prevent further bone loss. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist to find an appropriate training plan. .emphysema tidal volume


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