Friday, February 24, 2012

If a person has a family member with ...

The cause of osteoporosis can occur, ranging from genetic (in) under the influence of lifestyle (outdoors). To cause osteoporosis due to genetic factors can not be changed because it is innate from birth, and cause osteoporosis due to the influence of lifestyle factors that can be changed. Genetic factors cause a family history of osteoporosis, among other things, sex, age and ethnicity, while the impact of such lifestyle factors as nutrition, regular exercise, smoking and drinking. Why family history was one of the causes of osteoporosis? If a person has a family member with a history of osteoporosis, they are considered risky. Gender factors also are significant, according to research, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men, is closely associated with hormones.

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One of the dominant female hormone estrogen, which is closely related to the causes of osteoporosis. Estrogen protects bone, so if someone has low estrogen levels, people are more at risk of osteoporosis. Menopause causes a rapid decrease in estrogen levels. In the male hormone, which works just like the hormone estrogen in women is called tostesteron. Are there other hormones that influence other than estrogen or buy lasix 100 mg tostesteron? Some other hormones play a role in the regulation of bone density, including parathyroid hormone. They help regulate how well a person uses calcium for bone growth. On the other hand, if too much hormone parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism), which leads to calcium loss in urine due to the bone. .

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